Just caught this very interesting matrimonial advertisement on a news site.
Singur Girl
Marry Well Settled Singur Girl Register Free! Search, Chat & Marry
Haha. What next? Marry Well Settled SEZ-Proposed-in-2020-but-farmers-agitating-already Girl? [Sorry if that sounds sexist!]
Suddenly places of discontent and protests are becoming attractive destinations for “Alliance-Seekers”. Now what could be the reason for that? I racked my brains for what could be the top five reasons!
- The to-be-bride was featured in numerous news videos, effectively making her a small screen star
- The Alliance-Seeker has ambitions in Politics
- The Alliance-Seeker is a die hard fan of Mamata ‘Bandh’-opadhyay, Arundhati Roy and the likes
- Marketing managers at the matrimonial site have taken market segmentation a little too seriously
- The Alliance-Seeker would either get a hefty compensation or an assured job