Thursday, June 12, 2008

Murder of a Franchise!

No point for guessing this one, but this is a post on the adventures of Indiana-wrinkly-Jones (And I am not referring to his clothes only). Being a big fan of Indiana Jones trilogy of films, I was anticipating something which took you back to the glory days of the lost ark or the temple of doom.

* Spoiler warning: Read on if you don’t plan to watch the movie! 

Haha. It was not to be. Somehow the earlier movies could create a sense of suspense, thrill and an awe for the supernatural. It was believable. This however was not. This is because the themes in the movie have all been explored in various other movies and serials over the last 20 years. And somehow these disparate themes did not converge as Mr. Spielberg may have expected. 

Theme #1: Aliens. A theme that has been flogged to death and beyond by X-Files. 

Theme #2: The search for El-Dorado. This theme has expired and is decomposing. 

Now why would anyone want to connect these 2 themes? And when you add other elements like fights in the Amazon and Russian military agents, it simply cripples the movie. There is no saving this disaster. Harrison Ford is unfortunately too old for make-up to be of any help. Seeing a geriatric Harrison Ford huffing and puffing through action sequences is likely to be revolting to most people. Maybe grandpa will appreciate. The other members of the cast are equally wrinkled. What you get for your money is a wrinkle-fest. Imagine an old-age home on fire - that’s how most scenes in the movie are like. 

This movie could have been so much more. A single fresh theme was all that was needed. People would have even tolerated a well-past-its-prime cast had the story line been more taut and believable. Indiana Jones is still a trilogy for me. 


Kiran said...

Sarcastic humour seems to be your forte.. "Old age home on fire" :D

Shubhs said...

I am going to phase out all ageist, sexist bias from my posts in about 20 years. :)