Thursday, September 25, 2008

Singur Matrimonials!

Just caught this very interesting matrimonial advertisement on a news site. 

Singur Girl

Marry Well Settled Singur Girl Register Free! Search, Chat & Marry

Haha. What next? Marry Well Settled SEZ-Proposed-in-2020-but-farmers-agitating-already Girl? [Sorry if that sounds sexist!]

Suddenly places of discontent and protests are becoming attractive destinations for “Alliance-Seekers”. Now what could be the reason for that? I racked my brains for what could be the top five reasons!

  • The to-be-bride was featured in numerous news videos, effectively making her a small screen star
  • The Alliance-Seeker has ambitions in Politics
  • The Alliance-Seeker is a die hard fan of Mamata ‘Bandh’-opadhyay, Arundhati Roy and the likes
  • Marketing managers at the matrimonial site have taken market segmentation a little too seriously
  • The Alliance-Seeker would either get a hefty compensation or an assured job


1 comment:

Kiran said...

I thought of that too!

But further investigation revealed that its just a word substitution algo. There might not be any Singur girl on their website. Just that the news is abt Singur, and the matrimonial advt picks up the "word" and substitutes it to get the readers interest.

So much for intelligent advertising!