Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year Updates!

Like I predicted in one of my earlier posts, Ghajini was released as planned and the stay order was withdrawn. I also saw Ghajini after paying close to 600 bucks for 2 tickets! (I guess being dragged to the multiplex by the nostrils would have been less painful) But then I said to myself, the movie was not half bad and the spending was good for the economy. 

Ghajini had a surprise for me. I had earlier commented on how Adlabs was screening an A.R Rahman composition of the Jana Gana Mana in lieu of the National Anthem. (My most commented post till date. Although, most ‘comments’ were mine!) I was pleasantly surprised to hear the original tune being played this time. No ‘Bharat Bhalla’ production thingamajig. I had in fact sent in a couple of emails to Gold Adlabs on the issue. I can’t claim to have effected the change but it feels good that this happened. Nice! 

Happy New Year! 

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